What is Sinuiksi ry?

Sinuiksi ry  is a regional non-governmental association advocating for equal human rights regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. It was founded in 1973.  Sinuiksi ry is one of the oldest and largest member organisations of the national organisation Seta. Seta – LGBTIQA* Rights in Finland – aims for a society of equality and individual welfare that includes everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

The association also runs a national helpline to deal with sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. You can talk about e.g. minority stress, identity or the coming out process (closet anxiety), and social pressure. The service is available on Thuesdays  from 4 pm. to 5 pm.  tel. 044 3002355. Contact by e-mail: neuvontapalvelu@sinuiksi.fi

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